The Great Wilderness

Connect with timeless stories in the northernmost lands of BC

Places to Visit

Museum and Historical sight

Fort Nelson Heritage Museum

Preserving the Past for the Future. The Fort Nelson Heritage Museum is situated just west of the historic Mile 300 milepost on the world famous Alaska Highway.

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Visitor Centor

Fort Nelson Visitors Information Center

The Fort Nelson Visitor Information Centre is located at Mile 300 on the famous Alaska Highway

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Campground, Sightseeing, Fishing, hunting

Tetsa River Municipal Park

Tetsa River Provincial Park is a former provincial park in British Columbia, Canada. It is part of the larger Muskwa-Kechika Management Area.

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Sightseeing, Fishing, Camping, Hotel, Cabins, Air Tours

Northern Rockies Lodge

The beautiful Northern Rockies Lodge is located at Muncho Lake at the tip of the BC Rockies

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Campground & RV Park, Cabins, Dining

Triple “G” Hideaway

The Triple ā€œGā€ Hideaway RV Park & Campground located at Mile 300 on the famous Alaska (Alcan) Highway, in Fort Nelson, British Columbia.

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Bead & breakfast, Guided Hunting sightseeing

Stone Mountain Safaris

Stone & Folding Mountain Outfitters have been successful guide areas for over 45 years

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Northern Rockies


Call to Action

Mon-Fri………..6am – 8pm
Sat-Sun……….7am – 9pm

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